Where world champions began...
In the years leading up to 1974, Formula Ford had grown in popularity and become the premier junior single seater category around the world. The next step for an aspiring driver was Formula Three but there was a huge cost involved in moving up. John Webb of Motor Circuit Developments proposed a formula which would lie between Formula Ford and Formula Three to provide ambitious drivers with wings and slicks racing but at reasonable cost. The result was Formula Ford 2000.
It was decided to use the Ford Pinto engine, in 2-Litre form, in a spaceframe chassis. It was a relatively easy job to fit the Pinto into an engine bay designed for the 1600 Kent engine and many manufacturers adapted their FF1600 designs to create FF2000 cars. As the formula evolved the cars became a little more specialised but the fact that they were closely-related to FF1600 models ensured that there was a wide choice of potential chassis available.
From a slightly shaky start at a soaking Mallory Park in 1975 (click here) the formula rapidly gained strength and was soon seeing 40-car entries at some meetings. The formula continued to be popular until the late 1980s when Formula Vauxhall Lotus emerged to take its place.
Several drivers who enjoyed success in FF2000 went on to F1, the most notable alumni being World Champions Ayrton Senna and Damon Hill. Today the sturdy and reliable nature of FF2000 cars makes them a popular choice for drivers looking for an economical way of competing with wings and slicks in the friendly world of historic racing.